Foxes are scared of humans as we are their biggest predators. Foxes would not bite a human unless cornered and attacked. An overly tame fox may have been previously kept as a pet or may be ill with toxoplasmosis which makes the fox lose their instinctual fear.  If you are concerned, get some video footage and let it be assessed by a fox expert/rescuer. Never feed a fox by hand as this trains them to associate a human hand with food. Teach your children to enjoy watching wildlife from a distance, sitting quietly and if needed using binoculars. Explain to them that wild animals cannot be touched like pets and will be scared when approached directly and cornered. Invest in a trail camera so you and your kids can watch the foxes going about their life without disturbing them.  To log fox visits and behaviour could be a lovely long-term project for children and adults.

To discover the usually secret lives of foxes is very entertaining and will also enable you to spot if an ill or injured fox may visit your garden at regular intervals, so you can establish a feeding pattern and eventually get the fox the help it needs.

For more information on children and foxes, please watch our films ‘Are foxes a threat to children?’ and ‘Are foxes a threat to humans?‘ in the mythbusting series.

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