The Dodo

Over the years The Dodo has snapped up many of our fox stories and brought them to a wide audience with some of the films having had almost 30 million views online so far. Filmmaker and Fox Guardians founder Dora Nightingale says: “I am grateful that my fox tales reach such a huge audience through our cooperation with The Dodo. However, we receive NO licensing fees from this company and our films remain a labour of love. If only I had a penny per view, I could achieve so much more for foxes…”


What happens when a little fox cub gets rescued from the wild? Dora Nightingale documented this process from the day she rescued little Lucky, to his rehabilitation and re-release into the wild. This rare look behind the scenes of fox rescue became the topic of our latest collaboration with The Dodo.

Foxes love their trampoline

Our iconic footage of Freya Faith pouncing on a sun lounger went viral all over the world and was the first film The Dodo created from our content.


Faith, a tiny, beautiful and very intelligent little vixen did not only enchant our founder, Dora Nightingale but captured human hearts all around the globe. The Dodo made this little film about the friendship between Dora and the little vixen with our precious footage filmed over 4 years.

Babies find the best playground ever

The friendship between juvenile foxes Freya and Faith and our founder Dora Nightingale caught The Dodo’s attention and they made this little clip with our footage.

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