Faith is a stunning vixen who has become somewhat of a celebrity fox capturing fox lovers hearts from around the globe. She appeared in the summer of 2016 together with her brother Freya in our founder Dora Nightingale’s garden where both cubs played daily for 3 months and subsequently got Dora completely “foxed”. Faith is a dinky yet very strong and extremely intelligent fox. She always was at ease in front of Dora’s camera whilst remaining wild and free. Faithy quickly became Dora’s favourite muse and is the star of our award-winning documentaries Foxed as well as The Fortunes of Faith.  Faith was treated for lung worm and multiple eye injuries. After 3 years of regular visits she went off the radar in December 2019 and is much missed.

Watch Faith’s film portrait and ‘Song For Faith – A Tribute Film’

The story of Faith, a wild and free urban vixen who faces many trials and tribulations and chose a human as her guardian and friend.

The creation of this tribute film for Faith was inspired by a beautiful song renowned folk artist Maggie Duffy wrote especially for this special urban vixen. 

Watch with sound so you can hear this wonderful song about a fox and her friendship with a human.

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